How to Set Up Parental Controls on Electronic Devices

In today's digital world, electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers are essential to our lives. They offer a world of information and entertainment but can also present challenges when managing what our kids can access. That's where parental controls come in handy. They're like your digital babysitter, helping you keep your children safe online. In this article, we'll guide you through setting up parental controls on various electronic devices, and we promise to keep it simple.

Why Do You Need Parental Controls?

Before diving into the setup process, let's discuss why parental controls are so important. Kids are naturally curious, and the internet contains content that may not suit them. Parental controls help you restrict access to inappropriate websites, apps, and content, ensuring a safer online environment for your children. They also let you manage screen time, ensuring your kids don't spend too much time in front of a screen.

Setting Up Parental Controls on Common Devices

Here's how you can set up parental controls on some of the most common electronic devices kids use today. Setting Up Parental Controls on a Smartphone (Android and iPhone) Smartphones are like pocket-sized computers, often the first devices kids use. Setting parental controls on Android and iPhone devices is crucial to safeguard their online experience.


Google Family Link: This free app from Google lets you create a child's Google account and manage their digital activity. Download it from the Google Play Store. Setup Child's Account: Create a Google account for your child through the Family Link app and link it to their device. Control Apps and Screen Time: From your parent app, you can manage which apps your child can access and set daily screen time limits. Content Restrictions: Filter the type of content your child can access, like movies, websites, and music. Remote Monitoring: You can check your child's app usage and location using the app on your device.


Screen Time: Apple's Screen Time feature allows you to set up parental controls. Enable Screen Time: Go to Settings > Screen Time > Turn on Screen Time. Family Sharing: Set up Family Sharing to link your child's device to your Apple ID. Set App Limits: You can set daily time limits for app categories and even specific apps. Content & Privacy Restrictions: Under Screen Time settings, you can restrict content like websites, explicit language, and more. Setting Up Parental Controls on a Tablet (Android and iPad) Tablets are popular among kids because of their user-friendly interfaces and portability.

Android Tablet

Google Family Link: Follow the same steps as for a smartphone to set up parental controls on an Android tablet.


Screen Time: Like with iPhones, you can set up parental controls on an iPad using Screen Time. Content & Privacy Restrictions: You can restrict apps, content, and web access in the Screen Time settings. Setting Up Parental Controls on a Computer (Windows and Mac) As kids age, they may start using computers for schoolwork and entertainment. Here's how to set up parental controls on Windows and Mac computers.


Microsoft Family Safety: Create a child account and configure settings through Microsoft Family Safety. Content Restrictions: Set content filters for websites, apps, and games. Screen Time Limits: Manage screen time and app usage limits.


Parental Controls: On a Mac, you can set up parental controls using System Preferences > Parental Controls. Enable Parental Controls: Turn on parental controls for your child's user account. Content & Privacy Restrictions: You can restrict apps, websites, and chat communication. Setting Up Parental Controls on a Gaming Console (Xbox and PlayStation) Gaming consoles like Xbox and PlayStation are favorited pastimes for many kids. Parental controls here ensure they play age-appropriate games and don't spend too much time gaming.


Microsoft Family Safety: Use your Microsoft Family Safety account for Windows devices. Console Restrictions: Configure content and screen time limits directly on the Xbox console.


Parental Controls: On a PlayStation, you can set up parental controls by going to Settings > Parental Controls/Family Management. Create a Family: Establish a family and add your child's account. Content Restrictions: Set age restrictions and content filters for games and apps. Time Limits: Manage playtime to prevent your child from gaming for extended periods. Setting Up Parental Controls on Streaming Devices (Roku and Apple TV) Streaming devices like Roku and Apple TV are fantastic for family movie nights. However, you can ensure your kids are watching age-appropriate content.


Parental Controls: Access parental controls by going to Settings > Parental Controls. PIN Code: Set a PIN code to restrict content and change the device's settings.

Apple TV:

Content Restrictions: You can set content restrictions for your child's account in the settings. Ratings and Restrictions: Configure ratings restrictions for movies, TV shows, and apps. Setting Up Parental Controls on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok) social media can be a minefield for kids. Setting up parental controls helps you keep an eye on their online interactions.


Facebook Messenger Kids: For younger kids, you can use Messenger Kids, a child-friendly version of Facebook Messenger.


Private Account: Make your child's Instagram account private so only approved followers can see their posts. Restrict Comments: You can filter and restrict comments on your child's posts.


Family Pairing: TikTok has a feature called Family Pairing, which allows you to link your account to your child's and set content and screen time restrictions.

Setting Up Parental Controls on Home Wi-Fi

Sometimes, more is needed to set up controls on individual devices. You can set up parental controls on your home Wi-Fi network to ensure that your child's online activities are monitored across all their devices. Router Controls: Many modern routers come with built-in parental control features. Access your router's settings via a web browser and configure content filters and screen time limits. Third-Party Software: Alternatively, you can use third-party parental control software like Circle, Norton Family, or OpenDNS to manage your home network. Guest Network: If your router supports it, create a separate guest network with more stringent controls for your child's devices.


Setting up parental controls on electronic devices might seem daunting, but it's essential to ensure your child's safety and responsible internet use. Each device and platform have its unique setup process, but with the guidance provided in this article, you can take control of your child's digital world in no time. Remember that parental controls are not a substitute for good communication and guidance, so stay involved in your child's online journey. It's all about creating a balance between staying safe and enjoying the wonders of the digital age.